Season 20



Game Commands

PostCMD                        = /post
GlobalPostCMD to post on all servers               = /gpost

Allows to add multiple strength points by player, usage: /addstr
AddSTRCMD                    = /addstr

Allows to add multiple agility points by player, usage: /addagi
AddAGICMD                    = /addagi

Allows to add multiple vitality points by player, usage: /addvit
AddVITCMD                    = /addvit

Allows to add multiple energy points by player, usage: /addene
AddENECMD                    = /addene

Allows to add multiple command points by player, usage: /addcmd
AddCMDCMD                    = /addcmd

Allows to player to clear PK status 2kk* Kill
usage: /pkclear
PKClearCMD                    = /pkclear

Allows to propose a marry to other player, for more options refer to commonserver.cfg
usage: /prop
MarryProposeCMD                = /prop

Allows to accept marry proposal after usage of above command, usage: /accept
MarryAcceptCMD                = /accept

Teleports yourself to your marriage partner, usage: /teleport
MarryTeleportCMD            = /teleport

Allows to take divorce, usage: /divorce
MarryDivorceCMD                = /divorce

Allows to define to display all duel and trade request or refuse all by default, usage: /requests
SetRequest                    = /requests

Allows to clear inventory from all items, keep equipped items, inventory, money and ruud
usage: /clearitems
ClearBagCMD                    = /deletemyitems


Allows to clear event inventory from all items

usage: /cleareventinv
ClearEventInvCMD            = /cleareventinv                       

Activate off-trade sale, requires setup of personal store firs, usage: /offtrade in devias only
OffTradeCMD                    = /offtrade

Decrease strenght command = /decstr
Decrease agility command = /decagi
Decrease vitality command = /decvit
Decrease energy command = /decene
Decrease command command = /deccmd
Example: /decstr 111

Open Potion Shop from anywhere in game command: /npc
Open Warehouse from anywhere in game, command: /store

Published by Admin 30/07/2019